Sponsor I-Fest 2022

I-Fest 2022: The World in Our Backyard.
On Sunday, October 2nd 2022, Central Park in Davis will come alive with music, dance, food, and crafts from all over the world. After a Covid hiatus, I-House has been bringing people together for this free, family-friendly festival that fosters cultural awareness and global appreciation. Festival Sponsors have the opportunity to reach over 5,000 festival goers from across the region while demonstrating a commitment to diversity and equity in our community. Depending on the sponsorship opportunity you choose, there may be live shout-outs, a booth at the festival, inclusion in publicity and banner placement at the event. Join us for this one-of-a-kind event that brings people together to celebrate the cultural wealth of our community.

LOCAL SPONSOR - $250 - $499

COUNTRY SPONSOR - $500 -$999

CONTINENTAL SPONSOR - $1,000 - $2,499



UNIVERSAL SPONSOR - $10,000 and above

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