Vendors, Performers, Artisans
Participate in I-Fest 2022!

Showcasing the world in Davis! Apply to perform, sell artisan wares or international food, educate people about your organization or culture, or lead hands-on craft projects.
October 2, 2022

Performer, Booth, and Vendor Information

  •  We seek to showcase arts, culture, food and crafts from around the world by local and regional practitioners in Northern California.
  • I-House aims to support and uplift global and indigenous cultural communities
  • Any booth, cultural organization, or performer must be mission-aligned with International House Davis and follow its community code of conduct.
  • I-Fest is mindful of cultural appropriation and will prioritize groups that contextualize their cultural practice in the lived experience of the cultures represented
  • Space and time are limited at I-Fest. We are seeking to represent a broad diversity of cultures and artistic practices
  • I-House will consider existing relationships with local groups and strives for a mix of new and old participants in I-Fest 
  • Booth spaces are 10×10. Groups will be provided a table and 2 chairs *May be able to rent canopies from I-House.
  •  The festival is from 11 am – 6 pm. Check-in starts at 8 am and all booths must be fully set-up by 10:30 am. 
  • I-House staff will communicate with you if you are accepted as a festival participant and will send you contract and payment information. 
  • All booths pay a $20 non-refundable processing fee. 
  • Booth Fees: Nonprofit, business and artisan booths: $50       Food Vendors: 15% of sales up to $200
  • Click Here to view I-Fest Selection Criteria


We will have performing groups from N. CA that represent global and indigenous cultures. Performing groups perform on 1 of 2 outdoor stages for up to 20 minutes. PERFORMER SLOTS FULL! 


We seek cultural associations, local nonprofit organizations, and businesses with international connections to share their work. Fill out the Booth Interest Form HERE.


We are partnering with Davis Craft and Vintage Fair for the I-Fest Artisan Village, filling the Central Park Pavilion with local and international goods, crafts and art. Fill out Artisan Interest Form HERE.


Over 3,000 visitors get hungry! Seeking food vendors with international flavors and traditions. Fill out the Food vendor Interest Form HERE. 

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