Why Sponsor ifest@ihouse?
Festival Sponsors have the opportunity to reach over 1,000 attendees from across the region while demonstrating a commitment to diversity and equity in our community. Depending on the sponsorship opportunity you choose, there may be live shout-outs, a booth at the festival, inclusion in advertisement and banner placement at the event. Join us for this one-of-a-kind event that brings people together to celebrate the cultural wealth of our community.
- 6 hours of live performances by cultural groups from around the region
- Craft and cultural workshops
- Fun, kid-friendly activities
- Artisan and informational booths
- International Cuisine
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
These sponsorship levels are customizable, and we are open to discussing additional benefits or tailored packages based on your company’s needs and preferences. We value your partnership and are committed to maximizing the exposure and benefits you receive as a sponsor. All sponsors confirmed by August 31 will receive acknowledgement in all print marketing collaterals. Click the “Sponsor” button below to pay with credit card by secure link or send a check made out to International House Davis with “I-Fest Sponsorship” in the memo line. Download full sponsorship package here.

- Name recognition in ifest@ihouse Program.
- Name recognition on I-House Davis website.
- All Community Sponsor Benefits &
- Logo placement on I-House Davis website and on event signage.
- Acknowledgement of sponsorship across I-House Davis social media accounts.
- All Country Sponsor Benefits &
- Shout out by host at festival.
- Logo placement on event flyer and poster distributed around town.
- 10x10 booth to promote your organization during the festival on October 6th.
- All Continental Sponsor Benefits &
- One dedicated post featuring your company on I-House Davis Instagram and Facebook pages.
- Inclusion in advertising efforts related to the festival including posters, newsletter announcements, and recognition in key media outlets.
- A customized sponsorship package that fits your organizational needs and could include:
- Branded Sponsor for Tastes & Sounds on Saturday, October 5th (1 sponsor available), including a banner with your company logo.
- Branded Sponsor for Workshops on Sunday, October 6th (1 sponsor available), including a banner with your company logo.
- All International Sponsor Benefits &
- Featured in event recap video.
- A customized sponsorship package that fits your organizational needs and could include:
- Logo on ifest@ihouse t-shirts.
- Logo on downtown banner.
- Recognition on donor sign in IHouse lounge throughout the 2024-2025 season of events and programs.
- Branded Sponsor for Vendor Village on Sunday, October 6th (1 sponsor available), including a banner with your company logo.
- All Global Sponsor Benefits &
- Dedicated newsletter spotlight to +6,000 subscribers.
- Ongoing program sponsor of I-House programs in the 2024-25 season.
- Branded Sponsor for Main Backyard Stage on Sunday, October 6th (1 sponsor available), including a banner with your company logo.