Sustaining I-House’s Future

You can make a lasting impact by investing in I-House’s long-term sustainability, ensuring that the generations to come can enjoy cross-cultural arts and humanities programs at our beloved house on College Park.

There are many ways to support the longevity and sustainability of I-House for years to come! I-House can accept bequests, charitable IRA rollover or qualified charitable distribution, memorial and tribute gifts, and charitable gift annuities. All charitable donations are tax deductible. Please email to make a planned gift or a pledge and learn about our exciting ways to donate below.

Legacy Fund Donations

Thanks to generous gifts from Ursula Abbott and Robert Hagan, I-House's unrestricted investments help to fund I-House's ongoing operations as well as contribute to the stability and sustainability of I-House for future generations. Legacy donors include founding members of I-House who have cultivated the legacy of inclusion and belonging for over 40 years. You can make a donation directly from your IRA for your Required Minimum Distribution (RDM) and your Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). If you wish to donate from your IRA, have your IRA custodian issue a check from your IRA payable to: International House Davis with "Legacy Fund" in the memo line, Tax ID 94-228342 and mail the check to International House Davis, 10 College Park, Davis, CA 9561

Planned Giving

By designating a planned gift (bequest, charitable trust, annuity, or other means) to International House Davis, you establish a legacy that will continue to sustain and advance cultural awareness, global appreciation and community vibrancy for years to come.  A bequest is an easy but important way for you to ensure that your assets are distributed the way you wish. You may designate International House Davis as the recipient of a cash gift, a percentage, or residual remainder of your estate or living trust. Sample Bequest Language:  I give, devise and bequeath ____(percentage or dollar amount) of my estate (or specific assets) for the benefit of International House Davis, 10 College Park Davis, CA 95616 (FEIN ) to be used for its general purposes (or specific purpose).* *Example provided as a sample only. Please consult an attorney when updating your will with other legal documents.

Employer Matching Gifts

Many employers will double your contribution to I-House by matching your contribution dollar for dollar. To set up a matching gift, please contact your company's Personnel, Human Resources, or Community Relations Department.If you have already sent in your payment, you may submit your matching gift form at any time during the course of your membership year.

Tribute Gifts

A wonderful way to honor a loved one is to make a tribute gift to I-House in their honor. When you donate online, you can designate your gift.


International House has an endowment held at UC Davis to ensure that I-House can serve our community, welcome international visitors, and promote cultural awareness and global appreciation for years to come. As a non-profit organization that relies on community support, our endowment will secure our future. Please contact Executive Director Shelly Gilbride at or 530-723-2288 to make a gift to the I-House endowment.
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You can make a lasting impact by investing in I-House’s long-term sustainability, ensuring that the generations to come can enjoy cross-cultural arts and humanities programs at our beloved house on College Park.

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